Power of death
Yesterday I had the pleasure to visit the Sepulchral Culture Museum in Kassel, Germany.
The art of letting go appeared to me when reflecting upon it. Death, the art of letting go of loved ones, family, friends, physical body, and all achievements. Death is a very crucial lesson in life, if not THE lesson in life. Yet I find very little space for that in society; the art of letting go, the art of facing death, and all the small deaths we face every day. But with death, amongst all sadness and grief, there also comes relief, it also brings something new, an expansion of oneself, of what ones takes oneself to be. With death also comes acknowledgment and preciousness of life right now and that all things have a beginning and an end. Like blossoms. Like every idea that might come to fruition into this world to share it with others.
Sculpture by Stephan Balkenhol
This is just what comes to mind for now. I feel touched by the atmosphere of the culture that has been established around death. I wish I can value death more and face it for what it truly means for life - personally and collectively. I feel it is an integral part of life and needs more addressing. The more I face death and what it means to me the more I face life and the resulting reality. I feel if we integrate and welcome death and subsume its pain, sadness and fear the more we can also see its treasure. The more we can also value our life, our relationships, and our gifts. The more we dive into infinity the more we might also amplify our power to go for it.
Artwork by Stephan Balkenhol
Do you know what I mean?
The more we are able to know what is important, truly important, and what isn`t - the more we know where to place our focus on and how to use best our resources, energy, and money to really implement what is of true value to us.
A Lama once said: No! Is a complete sentence. Do you know what I mean? Saying no to what no longer serves can be easier when facing death. It can be a great catalyst. Ringing its bell and realize what it is you want to bring into this world.
You know all the dreams you always had and have - you always brush aside to realize them at another perfect time…
Excerpt from Performance - Rich in impermanence - by Julia Gold - Munich - 2021