Power of Listening and Looking
Hello everyone, so nice to see you here! How are you?
I would like to share with you my insights and implementation of Listening and Looking.
Before, after, and during a Portrait Photo Session.
When you book a photo session with me our first meeting could look like this:
Thank you Kevin Major for taking this capture of Diane and Me. Kevin is an amazing Filmmaker visit his Site here https://en.kmmprod.com/
I will listen to you and look at you so I can see the wondrous being within you and help you realize it too.
It is always both ways. I open up the space for relaxation and openness so you can share with me what is important during your photo session and I can make suggestions what I see works best: regarding time, place, and circumstance.
I am a tender, light-hearted photographer with humor and a vision: to evoke light and joy within our meeting, named photo session. Many beings share that soon they forget the camera and it all flows into an effortless play within our photo session. Hooray!!
For example, Diane, was very open to create and play, she didnt have so much a set outcome of how she wanted to look on the photographs. Within our photo session we provided a safe place to let herself surrender to her inner child playing. Let intuition and your heart be your guide.
Diane says:
“Julia`s creative mind, total kindness and open hearted ability to listen inspired me to open myself further and enter the creative movement. It was so much fun and freeing to dance in the water. I forgot the camera and was at ease. I recommend this relaxed photo session with Julia. Her talents, openness and kind heart remove all inner obstacles.”