Keep it simple sweetheart

Keep it simple sweetheart.

Today I am reflecting on keeping it simple. As I am using these quotes on the stickers that I have been creating recently - I think it is a good practice to implement their meaning into every day experience of life.

Well, when I was a child everything seemed very simple, there were not many things to think about. In fact back then there was only one thing to think about at a time. I remember sitting on the green grass, maybe three years old, not so much into words and speaking but more into listening and being. Just being. I really liked that.

Surely I had two beings around me speaking to me and taking care of me, but mostly it was just energy I was referring to, later then they were called my parents, mom and dad. Which is nice, too.

How would it be if we would relax all the nouns we have learned, relaxing all the concepts and thoughts? Dropping their meanings and responding from an inner knowing? How would that be?

Thinking only one colour of a rainbow, of the tools we have as human beings to navigate through life. Far too much pressure to place all on the analytical part of one’s mind. Finding what relaxes one’s mind and then navigate from there is where relaxation is for me.

I hope this is of support to you and you can relate to that.

If you like to view my Quintessence shop click here.

Bless you, Julia Gold
